How to Break Down Barriers as a Female Entrepreneur
Source: Pexels
Although there are more female entrepreneurs in the UK than ever before, it is fair to say that it is still more difficult to be a female entrepreneur than a male one. The glass ceiling may have cracked a little, but it has still not entirely broken, and the FTSE 100 boards still only have around a 40 percent female presence. This is good but it could be better, and women who want to succeed in business still have a tough time ahead of them.
That being the case, let’s look at a few things female entrepreneurs can do to start breaking down barriers more effectively, so they, and you, can find their places at the top of the business world.
Develop a strong support network
Having a solid support network is essential for any entrepreneur, and it's particularly important for women who may encounter additional challenges due to gender biases or stereotypes. Cultivate relationships with mentors, advisors, and fellow entrepreneurs who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement. Seek out local and online networking groups, workshops, and conferences specifically tailored to female entrepreneurs.
Advocate for better support with childcare
Childcare is one of the biggest barriers to success for many female entrepreneurs, so it makes sense that advocating for better support in this area will help you and every other female entrepreneur to succeed. As well as lobbying the government to do more on this issue, building links with other female entrepreneurs so you can share childcare between you and come up with your own solutions, could be an excellent way for you to get ahead.
Souce: Pexels
Look to women-focused angel investors for capital
Whether you are looking to buy a business from Franchise Direct or set up your own unique company from scratch, it will be much harder to find the finance you need as a woman. Old prejudices still exist and women are often not taken as seriously as they should be by banks and other lenders when they are looking for business funding. In the US, for example, despite being 36 percent of business owners, female entrepreneurs, are only awarded 2.6 percent of venture capital. This is a stark number, but women are fighting back and women-led angel investment is becoming a bigger part of the market, enabling ladies who wish to set up their own companies to find the money they need to do so.
Develop a resilience and growth mindset
The road to entrepreneurial success is often paved with setbacks and challenges. Developing resilience and adopting a growth mindset will help you navigate these obstacles and come out stronger on the other side. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and view each challenge as a stepping stone on your path to success.
It’s not always easy being a woman and an entrepreneur but it is possible to be successful and the above tips will help you to start breaking down those barriers so you can be as successful as you can possibly be.