7 Ways Women Can Improve Their Mental Health in a Stressful World
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash
If you’ve been feeling like your mental health hasn’t been in a great state lately, you’re not alone. According to the NHS, about 20 percent of women experience mental health issues like anxiety and depression more frequently. And there’s good reason for these conditions. So, if you’re worried that you may be losing it, you’re not. You’re just having a little difficulty coping.
That’s why this article is so important. As women, we take care of everyone else and forget about ourselves in the process. We often lose ourselves in the care of other people, yet wonder why we’re not feeling great. If there’s one thing that’s becoming increasingly clear, it’s that women need to pay better attention to mental health. Why? Because you can only give of yourself when you’re in a great place emotionally and mentally.
No matter how you look at it, taking care of other people is hard and demanding. So, we need to be adequately fortified to do that. If you’re currently struggling with any form of mental health issues, the following tips will help you feel better and get in great mental and physical shape.
Get Regular Exercise
If you’re thinking that you already do a lot of moving around, you’re right. But that’s not enough, as most of those activities actually trigger the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.
Intentional exercise floods your body with endorphins which fight your cortisol levels, lowering your stress and anxiety in the process. Think of it this way: exercise is for you. This is why you tend to feel really good after working out. So, go do some exercise for 30 minutes a day, 4 times a week.
Studies show that exercise is an excellent mood booster and stabiliser. Not just that, it fights off that feeling of perpetual lethargy and tiredness that comes with depression –this is why they say that people who exercise regularly are hardly depressed. Plus, it elevates your energy levels so you can have enough energy to handle your daily tasks.
So take the time to take a brisk walk, run, use the skipping ropes, or lift weights. All of these activities will help you feel great and wonderful afterward.
Take Some “Me Time”
When was the last time you took some time to just be by yourself –to do something that gives you joy… or nothing at all? If you haven’t done that in a while, then you shouldn’t be surprised if you’re feeling listless, stressed, and anxious. As women, we need periodic self-care.
Whether it’s in the form of just sitting down and doing nothing, making yourself a cup of tea, doing some meditation, or going to the spa to get a massage, you need to take better care of yourself.
Find that activity that gives you a lot of joy and satisfaction. For some, it’s meditation, reading, or praying. For others, it’s getting a facial, a full body massage, going dancing with the girls, shopping, doing some pottery, tending to plants in the garden, just taking a long drive, or going on a long, leisurely walk. Find what makes you relaxed and do it at least once a week.
If you’re married, talk to your spouse about the need for some “me time”. If they don’t understand, let them know that if they want you to be in excellent health, then you need that. Once they see how these “sessions” impact and improve your relationship, they’ll encourage you to take more of it.
Choose Where to Spend Your Money
If you’re passionate about a cause, then you should pay better attention to the businesses you’re spending your money with. As people who handle the purse strings in the home or do a lot of shopping, we often unwittingly contribute to causes.
It doesn’t matter if we know it or not, the truth is some of the proceeds that companies make from our purchases go to funding certain agendas and causes. This is why women need to specifically identify with brands that they share similar values with. Most businesses have their brand archetypes, and you need to understand the various brand models that these businesses have.
Once you study and understand this, it becomes very easy to spot a company’s values, priorities, and commitment to causes you consider as important –climate change and sustainable living, for example. This way, you can look at your purchases and not feel guilty about them –you don’t need the extra guilt- because you know that a portion of your money is going to a good cause.
Get Adequate Sleep and Rest
The average woman requires an average of 7-9 hours of sleep every day. Although there are a few outliers who need less or more, the reality is most women need to get adequate sleep and rest to function optimally. A lack of sleep often leads to increased stress levels, depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
If you’re currently getting less sleep than you need, you should make some adjustments. For starters, adjust your schedule to get better sleep. Check your caffeine consumption habits as caffeine can contribute to a lack of sleep. If you must take caffeine, make sure that you have the last drop by 2 pm at the latest –takes an average of 5.5 hours for the body to completely get rid of caffeine.
Then, develop good sleep rituals. Turn off all screens and devices in the bedroom, close the blinds or curtains, turn off all the lights, have a hot or cold bath, drink some wine, and be in bed at least 30 minutes before you fall asleep.
Hang Out With Your Friends
Women thrive in good company. In fact, studies show that conversation is therapeutic for women. So, you need to make out time to hang out with your friends. This is even more important when you have a family. The truth is women sometimes, need a break from all the “children speak” or “spouse speak”.
You just want to have an adult conversation with other women that have nothing to do with the family, raising children, or the home. You just want to talk about important issues and feel like more than a caregiver, a mommy, or a wife.
If this is you, then maybe you should consider spending time with your friends. And if you don’t have friends, see if you can make new friends in your community. Sometimes, talking to or hanging with other women for 30 minutes to an hour is enough to help you feel “alive” and excited.
Eat Really Good Food
Did you know that the food you eat can affect your moods and energy levels? It’s incredible how something so basic can play such a huge role in how women feel and get through the day. Apparently, healthy meals improve your mood and help you feel much better. Good food, particularly those rich in vital nutrients can help stabilise your moods.
In fact, researchers are working on studies showing that the presence of certain food nutrients like omega-3, selenium, and zinc can contribute to fighting depression. If you haven’t been eating well, it’s time to change that. Cut out the junk and processed/refined sugars from your food.
Try eating healthier. Cut back on your alcohol intake, and stop smoking –if you’re struggling with this, there are alternative options like nicotine gums and patches that will provide your nicotine fix.
Have Great Sex
Are you having enough sex? Scratch that. Are you having enough great sex you’re your partner? If you’re not, that may be contributing to your poor mental health. There’s some evidence that points to the impact of poor or lacking sex on mental health.
Apparently, a lack of quality sex can lead to depression and a feeling of inadequacy. Women require intimacy and emotional connections. And good sex can lead to an increased sense of well-being and longer life. Women who aren’t getting enough sex with their partners are likely to have self-esteem issues, particularly if they’re frequently turned down by their partners, or are unable to get aroused.
If you’re dealing with low libido, you should definitely get that checked out. Sometimes, hormonal issues or medications can impact your sex drive. If everything is in tip-top shape though, you should endeavour to have more sex with your partner.
Sometimes though, a lack of sex or unwillingness to have it stems from being consistently disappointed with one’s partner. If this is the case, see if you can help your partner give you the “Big O”.
Thanks to sexual aids and education, we now have a ton of options. You know what you like, how you like it, and when you like it. Discuss your sexual pleasures with your partner and work with them to resolve any issues you might have in that department.
Wrapping Up
Apart from these tips, you also want to make sure that you start practicing mindfulness, choose not to sweat the small stuff so that you can live long, and address any body image issues you might have.
The reality is that there are so many things that can cause poor mental health in women. But if you systematically approach these issues by doing everything in this article, you should see some huge improvements in your mental health and sense of well-being. Remember, you’re worthy and deserving of all good things.